
Mohamed Thasneem
2 min readDec 30, 2020

The search engine for Semantic Web ontologies, documents, terms and data published on the Web.

Swoogle is a Semantic web search engine. It is a research project carried out by the ebiquity research group in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland. It is an engine that discovers, analyzes and indexes knowledge encoded in semantic web documents published on the Web.Swoogle reasons about these reports and their constituent parts (e.g.people, terms, triples) and record important metadata about them.

Swoogle gives webscale semantic web information access administration, which helps human clients and programming frameworks to discover pertinent records, terms and triples, through its hunt and route administrations. Swoogle additionally gives a customizable algorithm enlivened by Google’s PageRank algorithm yet adjusted to the semantics and use designs found in semantic web documents.

The engine performs crawling of semantic documents like most web search engines and therefore the search is available as web service too. The engine is primarily written in Java with the PHP used for the front-end and MySQL for the database. Swoogle is currently capable of searching over 10,000 ontologies and indexes more than 1.3 million web documents which contain almost 240M triples. Swoogle also computes the importance of a Semantic Web document. The techniques used for indexing are the more Google-type page ranking and also mining the documents for inter-relationships that are the idea for the semantic web. Swoogle has also been used by several projects to manage and maintain specialized collections of RDF data.

Reference: https://books.google.lk/books?id=-CcmoI2b2Z8C&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=swoogle&source=bl&ots=Y2AFOd4IPc&sig=ACfU3U3hU_nA9BMDBTDfdymBvjkL1ndGBg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqg8nz_vHtAhX-yzgGHe_kCEkQ6AEwBnoECAcQAg#v=onepage&q=swoogle&f=false

