Full Stack Application Deployment in Azure Cloud Services

Mohamed Thasneem
1 min readAug 24, 2020


This Blogpost article is written for a requirement, of course, SENG 41283: Distributed and Cloud Computing.

In this post, I’m going to explain how I deploy my full-stack app in Azure.

Microsoft Azure
Azure is a computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centres.

Azure resources used in this azure sample environment are App Services, Function App, Azure Database For MySQL Server, Azure Cache For Redis, Storage Account, Application Insights, Web Application Firewall, Front Door, CDN, Azure Active Directory and Key Vault.


This is a simple application that I created using Angular, Springboot & MySql database to show the azure resources.

Source codes: Frontend & Backend.

ARM Templets: — Templets

I will explain according to the azure resources that I have used.

  1. Setup MySQL and Service Deployment in Azure Cloud Services.
  2. Creating and Deploying App Function, Setup Redis & FrontDoor.
  3. Front End Application Deployment & Authenticate the Front End with Azure Active Directory.

In here we are getting the full idea of how to deploy a full-stack app in Azure Cloud Services.

Thank You!



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